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Full-Stack Developer

Full Stack Developers work in the IT department of a company performing both front- and back-end operations on websites and computer systems. They design front-end website architecture and work closely with the Graphic Designers in the company to ensure website applications collaborate well with their design elements.

What Does Being a Full-Stack Developer Entail?

Full-stack developers are web developers who work in both front and back-end development. This means they can complete all tasks involved in web or software development.

Now, full-stack developers operate using both frontend and backend skills. Though knowledgeable of both web development skills, full-stack developers aren’t required to write code for an entire website or application on their own. They work as a part of a team to design, code, and launch a website or application.

What Skills Do I Need to Become a Full-Stack Developer?

Pursuing a job in full-stack web development requires both soft and technical skills. To supplement those skills, you’ll also need to be familiar with different technologies and stay up-to-date on languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you’ve got your heart set on this career path, you’ll need the following:

Are Full-Stack Developer Jobs in Demand?

Because of their broad knowledge and flexibility, full-stack developers are heavily in demand across the tech industry. With approximately 12,996 open positions for this role in the US alone, it's safe to say that you'll be popular.

What Salary Does a Full-Stack Developer Earn?

Accordign to, The average salary for a full stack developer is $101,039 per year in the United States and $5,000 cash bonus per year.10.6k salaries reported, updated at May 17, 2022.

Job Link: Seattle Full-Stack Developer Jobs (indeed)