About Us

We are three Year Up students passionate about the tech world.

Our mission is to empower other like-minded individuals to break into the IT industry.

professional headshot of a student
Justin | Aspiring UI/UX Designer

Hey Y'all! I'm Justin! I have aspirations of becoming a Front End UX/UI Web Developer in the Greater Seattle Area. Having an out-going, social butterfly type personality makes me the epitome of having fun, while working hard! I enjoy spending time with family and friends. You can most likely find me having a drink or shuffling thru clothing racks, shopping for the hottest new trends.

professional headshot of a student
Dolor | Aspiring Back-End Developer

Hi, I'm Dolor, an emerging back-end developer in Seattle; passionate to guide and inspire others to the top. I am here to represent the ability to have fun and be successful at the same time. Customer service awards present receipts of my drive to go above and beyond.Traveling gets my mind off of stress and clears my head, allowing myself to stay on the right track.

professional headshot of a student
Henok | Aspiring Front-End Developer

I am currently studying front-end development. I am a lifelong learner and love challenges. My hobbies include playing soccer, watching movies, and hanging out with friends and family. I am working hard to land an internship at a startup or at any MANGA company in the next six months.